Sunday, April 22, 2012

Simple Big People Food to Start a Baby On

As a first time mom, I never knew when I should stat transitioning my son from one thing to another so that he would be developmentally “on time.” Obviously, I figured it out because he is eating healthfully at the ripe age of one and a half. I was reminded of it yesterday when we were wondering downtown Portland and I saw a woman trying to feed her baby a French fry. Here are some of the easier foods that I tried when my son was at that transitional stage.
  1. Applesauce- The applesauce that we eat from a jar is nearly the same as the one that comes in a baby food jar. This is a simple food to switch because the texture is nearly the same and it is easy to digest.
  2. Mashed Potatoes-Mashed potatoes are a smooth texture that babies may have a difficult time swallowing. The flavor is bland, therefore, not often appealing. The reason this is a good choice is its texture. Also, consider French fries that have been lightly seasoned when out. Your child should not be turned off from seasonings when they are little otherwise they may never like them.
  3. Bananas- Bananas are a food that most every baby likes. Break off a small piece and give it to baby. They like to make a huge mess with this one because of the "squish- factor" but some of it will eventually end up in their tummies.
  4. Frozen Waffles- These are a great treat for baby as well as a huge save for mom. When baby is cutting teeth, give them a frozen waffle to chew on so that they get the ease of pain they want and you have a fancy "drool catcher.” These are a simple food because they dissolve as baby chews on them, making it less likely to choke on.
  5. Cheerios- These are a fun food because baby can play with them while you do dishes or some other little activity. Babies love to play with these little Ohs and like everything; they will end up in baby's mouth. They dissolve quickly once moist, so they present little choking hazard. Cheerios will reoccur in your child’s life several times over-- in art projects, and if you are potty training boys.

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