Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Maximizing your Grocery Shopping

Food is expensive. With bad crops and other issues that have caused the price of food to increase, many more Portland families are finding themselves needing a budget to stay on track and get the most out of their grocery shopping. There are also many families in entire neighborhoods in Portland such as the Lent neighborhoods where children living there have no idea when or where their next meal will come from and can’t eat during the weekends without going to the food banks that are located in their schools. Here are some tips I have learned that have helped maximize my grocery shopping trips.
  • Never go to the store hungry. Surrounded by all the food, you will inevitably find yourself splurging on items that look good to you while you are shopping that may not get eaten once you get home. Eat a hearty meal or snack before you go to the grocery store so that you can avoid the grocery store munchies.
  • Wait to go to the grocery store when you can have someone watch the kids or they are in school. If you don't have someone following you around trying to grab items off the shelf or asking you, "mom, can I have ..." every five seconds you will be less likely to impulse buy just to get the kids to be quiet. My son is an expert at burying items under things I am purchasing so I end up buying them anyway.
  • Always take a list of items that you need. This will help you to remember the things you need instead of having to make another trip later in the week. Also, it gives you something to focus on while you are shopping. If you have a goal, it is easier to accomplish. Don’t deviate from the list either. If it isn’t on there, then you don’t need it.
  • Shop weekly instead of trying to purchase everything you need for the month or for one meal. Plan a menu and shop for every meal you are making during that week. Keep in mind the kids’ activities for the week , so you can plan meals accordingly with quicker meals on busy days. If they are going to be at school and they eat hot lunches, there is no need to buy lunch items.
  • Use coupons whenever you can. Several stores will even allow you to price match, use other store coupons, and stack coupons so you can use a manufacturer's coupon on top of a sale or in-store coupon. While you may be only saving a few cents at a time, these pennies will add up quickly.
  • Purchase the store brand instead of name brand item whenever you can. Store brand items are often significantly cheaper than a national brand such as Campbell's or Kraft. Most of the time, these store brand items taste exactly the same.
  • Avoid purchasing snacks while you wait in line. Many are guilty of this because they feel like it is a reward for not purchasing more than what was on their list. If you purchase now, you still didn't accomplish your goal. Also, those items waiting at the checkout line are often more expensive than if you would have purchased them in the isle because they know they are tempting and you will pay the price.
  • Take reusable shopping bags with you. Most stores will give you up to an $0.08 discount for each bag you use. I bring 10 with me every time.

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